How Agencies Succeed With Newport

Newport was designed with agencies and freelancers in mind.  New sites can be setup quickly and clients can be involved early.

With Newport's streamlined approach to building sites, you can take on more work, confident that you can deliver and your clients will be happy.

Create a Site

A New Approach

I'll know it when I see it ...

Often clients don't really understand what's being delivered until they see it.  With Newport's streamlined approach, their site quickly becomes a reality that they can click thru and comprehend.

Rapidly prototype the site. Use pre-made blocks and your own custom blocks to quickly build a working version.  Use it to outline asset requirements for designers and copywriters.
Avoid client surprises.  Get clients involved early so they understand how the site will flow and get familiar with managing it.
Give designers a head start.  You can add all of your blocks to a page and send it to your designers to use as a starting point, instead of starting from scratch every time.
Watch the site take shape.  The prototype transforms into the working site as blocks are styled, fonts are chosen and copy and images are added.

Build Your Block Library

Use premade blocks and create your own to build your block library.  Use them to rapidly create sites that aren't limited to a rigid template layout.  Rest assured that everything will stay on-brand.

Get Started

Create and Manage Forms

Say goodbye to shortcodes

Easily create forms using the Newport Form Builder and add them to pages just as easily.

Native form builder

No need for plugins or third-party utilities.

Built-in spam protection

All form submissions are analyzed and rejected if they don't pass the spam filters.

Export entries

See all form entries and export them as a CSV file.